Recollection is an app that provides the user with the opportunity to snap a photo when on a trip to aid in the collection of memories. The app uses GPS tracking to sense when the user is completely stopped on a trip and sends them a notification to take a photo. Recollection then collects the photos to provide a space for the user to have a visual memory while still being present at the moment.
Through many iterations of prototyping, testing, and revising, the app functions in an intuitive and easy-to-understand way. Each round of testing revealed something confusing for the user during the experience. This testing allowed for a more refined end product that was ultimately, for the user.
Project Type
UX Design, UI Design, App Design
App Design, Figma Prototype, Case Study
Recollection changed the way I considered designing experiences for others. Through rounds of testing and prototyping, each iteration became stronger and more intuitive. It opened a greater understanding for seeing and sensing how a human will operate with an experience I design.