
An ode to the past, the rotund structure of Chipola offers a new view of a bygone form. In the 1950s, the sleepy dairy farms in the Florida panhandle switched from glass bottles to plastic gallon jugs. In this shuffle, my great-grandfather kept a few, knowing they would be a piece of history one day. Over seventy years later, the letterforms on the side of a bottle would inspire Chipola. On the side of one of these glass bottles circa 1945, Chipola takes inspiration from the five letters of the word “dairy.” A display sans-serif typeface, the wide and bulbous letterforms offer an updated twist on the retro letterforms. Chipola is made up of 3 weights and 3 styles.

Project Type

Type Design


Type Design

Chipola are letterforms saved from being forgotten. Type being resurrected from the corners of the past.  It is a joy to create something knowing it is being restored.
The process of creating Chipola began with a milk bottle and the word “dairy.” Based only on those five characters, my initial pass of the alphabet was a good starting point.  After a couple rounds of revisions, the forms of Chipola were born!



